We’re going to donate $1 to the American Cancer Society in honor of Prostate Awareness Month for every entry we receive on this giveaway up to $1500. Plus you’ll look stylish in your Max Muscle shirt “we workout so we can eat cookies!” Choose from either 2TX for men for amplifying age-related hormonal support to promote natural testoterone mechanisms. OR select Cleanse & Lean as a solution to your digestive issues as well as a way to remove excess water and waste from your body. Throw your gym stuff into your Max Muscle cinch sack and when it’s time to catch up on fitness tips, check out the Max Sports & Fitness magazine also in your bundle. Shake things up with your limited edition 25 year commemorative gold shaker cup, and don’t forget to throw the hat on when you have bed head! Valued at more than $140, this gym bundle is the perfect kickstart for a healthy lifestyle!