Author: Kath

Win a $40 Amazon gift card, three signed paperbacks and five eBooks! Totally Addicted to Books has teamed up with eight must-read authors to bring you our October Giveaway, packed full of vampire awesomeness.

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This time, we ran over to Trader Joe’s and made our way through the aisles picking up as many pumpkin items as we could fit in our basket. Well, not quite. But we did end up with a literal mountain of tasty pumpkin treats. And a Haunted House Kit, which qualified because there is a pumpkin on the packaging. We set a $50 budget this time … and the bill came to around $75 !! We don’t know what happened. Things just jumped into our cart. We have to admit that there are a few things that we didn’t buy (or…

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Enter for a chance to win Sea to Summit Gear made tough with Cordura Fabric. made with Cordura fabric, sea to summit’s super durable ultra-sil gear helps make your pack a little lighter and your trek a little easier. this month, enter to win a Sea to Summit prize pack featuring the following durable products: ultra sil compression dry sack 10L, ultra-sil view dry sack 13L, ultra-sil dry sack 8L or ultra-sil day pack.

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