This post was sponsored on behalf of Office Depot® and OfficeMax® through The Motherhood. There are lots of milestones women have in their lifetime. While marriage is definitely a major one and something that’ll stick with them, it doesn’t change them in the most profound way. But in the moment you go from being pregnant to having a baby, is a moment that will change your life forever. Mom. Not just a name. Everyone has a name, but a title with all of the expectations and responsibilities that go with it. One that’s reserved only for those elite few you’ve given life to. Someone that will forever leave a mark and can never be replaced. We all know moms do a lot, but think about it.
For those of you that are in the trenches, just know that things do get easier. Yet more complicated in other ways. You’re helping your children less physically and have to be there for them more emotionally. Just know that every little thing you do does matter, so don’t lose heart or give up and keep on inspiring your kids to be great! Office Depot® and OfficeMax® want to give one lucky reader a $25 gift card to help them start the school year off right!