Miss Danielle’s Preschoolbuds is an enchanting book series for young children written by award-winning educator and media personality Danielle Lindner. Danielle is the founder of The London Day School, the only preschool franchise with its own character education book series and TV show. The series has also been adapted into a streaming television show for Amazon Prime.
Lindner’s storybooks offer enchanting characters and colorful rhymes to promote important prosocial themes that help children address everyday challenges, such as Sofia the Snail: The little snail that was afraid of the dark; Arabelle: The bat with the most wonderful pink glasses; Rupert: The little puppy who ran out of tears; Betsie Bee: The little bee who learned how to share and care; Jaxie: A short story about a tall giraffe; and Koby: The little blue kangaroo who worried all day.