At about 3 months an infant will need to transition from swaddling and yet experts still suggest using a wearable blanket for the next several months. A proper wearable will help regulate body temperature, keep baby feeling cozy and you don’t have to fuss with undone blankets and sheets. SwaddleDesigns is known for it’s quality in their product. SwaddleDesigns was founded by an RN, Designer and Mom of 2, Lynette Damir, so you know quality was the main focus on such products for baby. The prints are adorable and the colors are soft. The swaddles and sacks are lightweight, 100% cotton and breathable.
The Cotton Knit zzZipMe Sack is an easy transition for baby from a swaddle. Baby stays warm during diaper changes because you can unzip from the bottom. The labels are sewn into the edges and the zippers have a fabric overlay so no discomforts to baby in the hardware and tags. It is so soft and stretchy and I have the grey, Tiny Fox print which is a great unisex design and color. They come is 2 sizes of 0-6 months and 6-12 months.