Know for sure where you’re truly from and connect with distant relatives from all over the world! As the world’s largest consumer DNA database with 6 million users, AncestryDNA provides friends and family with unequaled opportunities to discover their past and be inspired by what they uncover. In addition to tracing their ethnicity across 26 different regions around the world, friends and family will have the opportunity to find how their stories connect to any of 334 Genetic Communities — more specific historical groups of people like “Ulster Irish,” “Early Settlers of New York,” or “Early Settlers of New Mexico” who were bound together through time and migrations by culture, religion, geography, or even economics. Once you receive your kit, all you’ll have to do is perform a simple saliva test that you can do at home, send your saliva collection tube in a prepaid return mailer, and wait until an email will notify you that your results are ready to be explored on the AncestryDNA site. You may just find out something new about yourself that you never knew before.