Bamboobies is one company that I came across that offered great products to help support mamas in their breastfeeding journey. Not only do they supply breastfeeding moms with breastfeeding care products like Nipple Butter, Nursing Pillows and the like but they also sell amazing nursing pads as well. My favorite product, that was just released this past year, is their Yoga Nursing Brahhh. In an effort to ensure that new moms are comfortable during their breastfeeding journey, Bamboobies has come up with an award winning bra that can be worn to your favorite Yoga class or while taking a stroll around your favorite strip mall or even just around the block with your little one. Constructed from materials like soft, eco-friendly bamboo rayon, the Yoga Nursing Brahhh is breathable as well as moisture wicking fabric that is perfect for new moms who plan on being physically active after their little one is born. The Yoga Nursing Brahhh also features nursing clasps as well as drop down cups so you can nurse or pump easily while wearing it, without having to fumble and wrestle with it like you would a bra that didn’t have the same features.