Season three of “From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series,” based on Robert Rodriguez’s original film, follows Seth and Richie as they continue to fight their way through the chilling world of culebras, the vampire-snake hybrids that control hidden empires in Texas and Mexico. Once the baddest outlaws in the land, the Gecko brothers made a run for the Border two years ago to save their lives — and their fortune. After stumbling into a bar full of bloodsuckers and bandits, they encountered the vampire goddess Santánico, joining her cause to settle an old score, and it won them a place in the culebra world. Now that world is on the verge of violent and destructive explosion as new enemies hell-bent on domination gather to take them down. But, in typical Gecko fashion, Seth and Richie assemble an unlikely crew (some new, some old) to take on the forces of hell.