There are several unique flavors, some that may sound a little strange, but trust me, they are all delicious. It’s one of those products that you can’t go wrong by choosing the wrong flavor because these healthy snack bars are all outstanding in flavor and quality! Now, if you don’t like cashews, natural sweetness such as honey, coconut, or chewy goodness and more – all organic – these may not be the healthy snack bar for you.
Currently, the flavors are: Coconut, Rosemary, Cho-Coco, Chili Pep, Sage, Cinna-Clove, Ginger and Coffee. While they all have some distinct flavor differences, the base ingredients of cashews, almonds, honey, coconut, vanilla extract and sea salt seems to remain the same in most. But don’t think that makes them boring at all. The other added ingredients give each flavor their own personal party in your mouth.