The aromatic scents of essential oils make our homes feel cozy, smell great and they have therapeutic benefits as well. For most, getting essential oils into the air requires a diffuser that sits on a stable surface in your home or office. Diffusers come is a variety of styles, sizes, shapes, colors and price ranges. They come in four main classifications, nebulizing, humidifying or ultrasonic, heat and evaporative. The majority of us probably use the ultrasonic or candle diffusers. But, if you have children or pets, then the ultrasonic is by far the safest. The thing is, in order to experience the essence of essential oils, you have to be indoors near a diffuser, or at least that used to be the case until now.
The Spirit of the Season Collection offers an essential oil and a diffuser necklace that allows you to share your holiday spirit with others. The Ceramic Diffuser Necklace is a stylish, versatile, charming little vessel that can circulate your favorite essential oil scent wherever you go. The kit comes with the Christmas Spirit essential oil blend, a sweet, spicy blend of orange, cinnamon, and spruce essential oils that tap into the happiness, joy, and comfort associated with the holiday season. With Christmas Spirit on hand, simply open a bottle and start diffusing!