This thrilling addition to the Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVD franchise features four time-bending episodes that tests the Turtles both mentally and physically as they continue, as always, to fight for justice and protect their city. Also available exclusively to this DVD is an animated music video featuring the Turtles rocking out to the song “Ice Cream Kitty,” which was written and performed by Greg Cipes (voice of Michelangelo) and DJ Hymn.
Dimensions collide in this one-of-a-kind Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles special, when ’80s Shredder and Krang transport themselves to present-day New York. There they team up with Bebop and Rocksteady for the ultimate throwback throw-down against the Turtles. This four-episode collection not only brings back classic and villainous faces, but also takes fans back to where it all began – with a newly mutated Splinter on the run while protecting four baby mutant turtles.